Rogue - BRD Farming 85G per hour

Rogue - Mana Tomb Farming

Rogue - Mechanar Chest Farming

600G Easy for Rogue/Druid (61+)

600g Easy at Level 60 rogue/druid (in LBRS)

I will explain this in detail to the best of my limits.

You have to be a Rogue/Druid class at least Level 60, for this to work, not sure if its been posted or not but anyway here I go.

Item you will hunt for, Plans: Arcanite Reaper my server kil jid sells for 350g min

Ok first things first, Optional items that you can use to speed up the process: Ornate spy glass

Step #1 make a /target Bannok macro ( type /macro, make a icon then type /target bannok and put it on your hot key)

Step #2 What you need to do is make your way up to LBRS in BRM

Step #3 Stealth, and make your way over down to lbrs past the wolfs down to the path of the 2 bridges, then head to the trolls and all the way down to the entrance of the firebrand orcs.

Step #4 from the firebrand orcs make your way along the path to the entrance of the spiders do not go into spider area stop before !!!. All this time you should be spamming your macro key looking for the rare spawn Bannok Grimaxe (Firebrand Legion Champion)

Step #5 Bannok has 3 know spawns that he spawns at, All three are soloable. In spot closer to spiders you have to be in the corner behind that catapult sh*t or whatever and pull him there with your bow/gun. Noone will come with him if done right

Step #6 if you made your way all along the path to the spider entrance and didnt find him make your way back and reset instance (before exiting invite random player 1 make him leader, exit instance, leave party, enter)

Now the after doing this couple times and getting hang of it you can make the trip faster by using ornate spy glass from the ledge before hitting the bridge near the orcs at the top

First, I look at the carpet close to the lava, just by the left wall, then I look at the carpet in the right right corner (the right corner closest to you) ^=cliffsuptop, ~=lava .=fillers to make it look right X=spawnpoints |=walls

_____ __
(spot2)X |
_ |
.| |
.| |
.| ...|
.| ...|
_|X(spot1) |
~~~~~~~~~lava ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^second wolf grp

cliff ME

With this way it saves you the long trick of going all the way down and can be done in about 2 mins in and out but only problem with this is you do not see the 3rd spawn spot near the spiders.

Bannok is a pretty rare spawn and has a spawn percent sometimes is close to 5% sometimes is close to 20%. So it can be one of 40 resets or each 5 resets. He has a about 6-10% chance of dropping plans which sell for different prices on different servers but either way sells 100g min any server.

200-2,000 Gold An Hour - DM West

200-2,000 Gold An Hour - Location: Dire Maul - West

This is best done with two players...pref a rogue & hunter, but can be soloed by hunters, priests & really crafty rogues.

Location: Dire Maul - West (best to use south entrance to the west side).

In every instance made in all of Dire maul there is a chest spawn & usually a Dusty Tome spawn. In west, there are four spots that the chest spawns, two of which can be gotten very quickly & with few mobs. There are also two Dusty Tome spawn locations (that I know), but only 1 location is easy to get to....just so happens it is about 3 feet from one of the chest locations.

In each chest there is a lvl50-55 green, some are pretty good, also some change & 1 in about every 25-50 chests have a blue BOE usually worth 60-100g. All the greens dc into Greater eternal essence & illusion dust, Or you can vendor most items for about 3-5g a piece or sell on the AH. The Dusty Tomes are where the real money is though....90% of the tomes will give you a junk book "nat pagles extreme fishing..." and pocket lint - the rest of the time you will get one of any of the blue class books (each sell in AH from 45g-90g) and an equal chance to get Furor's Compendium of Demonslaying (Warriors epic book) = anywhere from 1500g to 2400g. I have found several now and all sold within a few hours on AH for 2000g

Now the strat... You enter west on south side. The tome & chest spawn location is in the initial room you come into, before you get to Shen'dralar Ancient. As you are looking at the room from the portal, the chest will be across the room on left side (there is another spawn location on the right side - but after you do this a while, you will see it is more profitable to only look for the left side one).

If you use an Ornate spyglass you can position yourself on a corner right next to the instance portal (bout 15ft from it) and look down to the south west corner with the chest & tome. (for the first while you will want to run down and make sure nothing spawns till you know exactly where to look). If you dont see the chest or tome, run out the instance and reset it...round trip on an empty instance is about 30seconds or less. IF the chest spawns in that spot(bout 25% of the instances) there will be 3 to 4 tree creeps guarding it. The easiest way to get to them is to have a rogue position behind the chest ready to take it & have another class move up and agro the three trees then turn & run out the instance while the rogue loots. Once you get used to it, you can loot and be back to reset in under 2min.

Hunters can solo this by using Eyes of the beast & taking the agro to the other side of the instance, then dismiss their pet, grab the loot & move to a safe spot to feign death.

Screenies for those that have found this confusing...sorry I did not have them up before....

This is where you should stand to use spyglass...

Free Image Hosting at

Here is what you should see thru spyglass...approx....was in a hurry to get the screenies so I did not wait to find chest...but pasted in a spot where you will see them...

DM West is easy enough to move around once you learn your agro range and stay close to the south wall.

I will try to update this with pics, but I am not that great with photo stuff.

Scarlet Monastery (2G in 5 Mins)

1 Gold Every 10 Minutes, Level 42+ (at Scarlet Monastery)

Okay well I've known about this little "problem" if you will.

The second you turn 42 head on over to the SM graveyard. This is the instance on the left side inside the Scarlet Monastery. (Please do not do this in a group or you will greatly reduce the amount of loot dropped.)

Ok well at level 42+ your aggro is small enough that you can sneak by all of the humans in the first part of the graveyard. Make sure to ignore them...there not worth your time. Ok well now you'll go up some stairs into the normal graveyard portion of the instance. Here's where the skill comes in. There are 3 main types of mobs here. Elite zombies (31-32), Elite polterguists (32- 33), and best of them all (non elite) Unfettered spirits (level 31).

Ok well ignore both the elites...there not worth your time. The spirits roam in groups of 3 and are very easy to defeat, the thing is these non-elites drop loot like elites. On average you'll get 5s a kill plus random loot that usually includes 1-3 silk.

In 2 hours i gained 18g and filled all my bags with uncommons and 2 rares. Plus over 150 silk cloth.

2 Gold Every 5 Minutes, (at Scarlet Monastery) SM

I farm the boss Arcanist Doan in Scarlet Monastery, he drops Hypnotic Blade, which sells for 1g 27s, and Illusionary Rod, which sells 1g 59s I think. He also drops Robe of Doan, 40s, and Mantle of Doan, 30s.

You should be about level 40, which is when I started farming, that's what I did when I wanted my mount. Smile

Arcanist Doan is level 37 and is in the Scarlet Monastery, located in the far right SM instace, the boss you gotta kill to get the Scarlet Key. Just Stealth directly to him, avoiding all the other mobs.

Strategy to kill him:

He's immune to cheap shot, so I suggest ambushing/garroting him. He spams Arcane Explosion a lot, which hits you for 200 damage, so you better have a lot of hp for him. When his hit points reaches 50%, he'll put up a blue barrier and charges up Detonation, that is when you better get the heck out to the other side of the room before it hits you for a good 800 damage. How to avoid this is to engage the fight while when he walks to a corner of the room, so when he starts casting Detonation, you have around 5 seconds to bolt to the other side and dodge it. Or you could just simply resist it. An important part during this portion is to use first aid while he's busy casting Detonation, and when he's finished, you should just run around a little for your first aid to finish up before confronting him again. Now just hack at him, use a potion if needed, until he dies. =) He'll drop 2 items: a Hypnotic Blade/Illusionary Rod AND Mantle of Doan/Robe of Doan. Which is nearly 2g per round. It takes about 5 minutes for this whole sequence.

Now. How to get him to respawn all the time? Just have a pal to group up with, he can be doing anything he wants on the other continent if he wants. After you kill Doan and come out of the instance, have him make you party leader, then he leaves the group, then he invites you again. There the instance is reset, with a new Arcanist Doan for you to kill. =)

The Basic

There are five basic ways people make money in the world of warcraft:
1) Gather Leather/Herbs/Ore/Fish - supplies
2) Farm for loot/gear
3) The Crafter
4) Buy low/sell High
5) Control the market

1) The Gatherer

There are many things to be gathered in the game. This includes leather, herbs, ore, fish, linen, wool, mageweave, stones, gems, and so on. Moreover, there is much gold to be made here.

There is something to be said for those that gather - they spend a lot of time making their money. Many players begin to make their money by gathering - and I encourage it. And, later on, finding a rare vein or herb can bring in several gold alone. There isn't too much to say here but to get the gatherer mod (works wonders) and go to and check out the resource maps.

The benefit of being a gatherer is that you don't ever have to buy supplies. Moreover, you may just find the things to mine/gather while leveling. This is especially true with leather (tradeskill is skinning).

One thing to note - you cannot pass level 225 in your skill until at least level 35.
Note #2 - ALWAYS sell your gathered items at the auction house - always. It costs next to nothing to put them up for auction even at 24 hour durations. If they don't sell, just put them up again.
Note #3 � Constant Buyers � find them, they are out there. Read on into the crafter section to learn more about constant buyers.

2) The Farmer

This is a profession usually taken on by those of higher (level 40+, usually 55+) level characters. To do this, you simply do instance runs or kill named bosses multiple times or do multiple runs through the instances in the chance of getting a drop. Before the patch that came out today (this was written the day the honor system came out), this is what almost all level 60 players did (since then, many lvl 60s have taken up pvp � attacking the crossroads for example � and then with the battlegrounds patch, they go to the BGs).

Things to note:
This takes more time than being a gatherer - and the payoff *may* be higher. The *may* is the 3% chance, or .03% for some items, that an item worth x amount of gold at AH - I repeat AT THE AUCTION HOUSE - will drop (check to see the drop rate of items). So, with this type of way to make money, you may make 20g in a day or 200g or 2000g depending on what drops - pure chance. Now, some like this idea for the high potential.

Like I said, always sell the item at the auction house. If you don't know what it is worth, look at items similar to it and price accordingly. If you still don't know, put it up for some absurd amount
- there's a chance someone may buy it. I suggest putting what you want as the base price, and an absurd number for the buyout at 24 hour bid time - do this on the weekend as well as more people are on (at least
3x) during the weekends.

Example: The Deviate Scale Belt Recipe is a quest reward from the wailing caverns. My fiancee decided she would sell hers at the auction house. She wasn't sure what it was worth, so she put it up for 50s base and 6 gold buyout, 24 hour time period. If you don't know, there's no way it should be worth more than 1 gold due to the fact that it is an easily obtained quest reward. Guess what - it sold! I guess whoever wanted it didn't want to wait the 24 hours to get the item (as most don't) so just bought it out.

It costs a lot to put those items up for bid. And if it doesn't sell, you have lost that money.

To compensate for this - first, always sell on Fri/Sat/Sun. Keep the items you get in the bank until the weekend. Also, put the item up around 7pm on Friday evening with a 24 hour bid time if you can.
Repeat on Saturday if you still have it. This will ensure the most people see it. Advertising isn't a bad idea as well - once every 30 minutes (once every 5 � 10 mins if you are on a high population server). You can do a /2 [item][item][item] at AH. People will click on those boxes to see what they are, just out of curiosity, almost always. To make the [item] that people can click on, shift + click the item when you already are entering text in the chat screen.

Last note - sometimes going for the lower level item may be more profitable than the higher level item. The higher level item will definitely be worth more - but you will be able to do more runs through the lower level area.

3) The Crafter

This is one of the players that says forget the gathering, I want to make things. To do this, you better have at least 10 - 20 gold ready to spend. The first 150 skill points into any craft, you will most likely lose money. In fact, I can almost guarantee it. The items below 150 aren't worth much or in demand enough to make serious cash. This can be said even with items up to level 225. However, past 225, it is pure gold. Be it Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, Alchemy, or Tailoring (note engineering and enchanting are not listed); there is money to be made. Reasons why:
Leatherworking - there are three paths. You can only choose one.
Someone will want what you can make due to only 1/3 of the people being able to make it.

Blacksmithing - same as leatherworking, but two paths.

Alchemy - getting those high level herbs is no easy task. And now that the honor system is in and potions can't be dispelled ... yeah, permanent buffs will be worth a lot.

Tailoring - bags, bags! Everyone wants a 14 or 16 slot container. Of course, a perk you get is the 18 slot container - bind on pickup sadly. Also, often missed items are shirts.

So, how do these people get their supplies?
One of two ways -
Either at the auction house or from a supplier. Often times, the crafter will find a gatherer and work a deal with them to constantly have incoming supplies. The gatherer will often times send the item through the mail system with COD, cash on delivery. This works well for both parties. And, sometimes one gatherer can supply several crafters with what they need. The gatherer and crafter also set a standard price for a stack of a certain item � this never changes once set in most situations. Having a constant buyer/supplier is more important and convenient than getting the most for your copper. I suggest you try to set up a system like this - either if you are a gatherer or crafter.

To contact them, use the mail. Go to AH and see who is selling alot of a gathered item or crafted item, depending on if you want to supply or want to craft. Write down their name. You can try to send them a message, but more often than not, they will not be online. So, just go over to the mail and send them a nice letter. Perhaps a subject of 'Need a supplier?' or 'Can you gather x for me?' (x being herbs, leather, whatever it is you need) In your letter, basically say you saw them selling a lot of a certain item at AH and you'd like to become a constant buyer. This is VERY attractive to the gatherer as suddenly gathering x item becomes a constant reliable income for gold.
It is also VERY attractive to the crafter as they can normally negotiate for it to be cheaper than AH and they have a constant supply to make their items.

The downfall - at level 60, many crafted items become obsolete. Now, this doesn't mean crafted items won't sell. Plenty of lvl 59s and down still need those items. But, what it means is that they will never sell as highly or as well as a farmed item - epic items.

The two that cost you more than you make:
Enchanting - This really can be a great tradeskill. I made tons of gold with it ... by selling what I disenchanted to other enchanters.
Rarely, and I mean basically never, will a player be willing to pay as much for an enchant as it cost you to enchant that item. Surely it can't cost that much - you say

Well, factor in the cost of what you didn't make. That is, factor in your potential earnings. In order to get enchanting ingredients, a item Uncommon (green) or better must be disenchanted. A blue item can easily go for 10 gold or up depending on your server (some 200 and up). Now, lets say every green and blue item you find and can't use gets disenchanted - the losses add up pretty quickly. In fact, they add up so quickly that the aspiring enchanter finds it hard to believe.
And, what is worse is that you don't always get the ingredient you need. There is a random chance it can be any number of ingredients.
Even worse - to enchant something, it usually takes at least 2 - 3 ingredients. Let's say you disenchanted 3 blues to get the exact 3 ingredients you needed. If you had sold those blue items, you could have made 15g, assuming worth 5g (yep, a low estimate here). No one in their right mind will pay 15g for an enchant - unless it is a high high, well above 225, level enchant. And, if it is one of those enchants, then those blues certainly could have sold for well more than 5g each. If you want to be an enchanter, find a good guild that will supply you with 'trash items' - items they tried to sell at AH and didn't sell, so they send it to you.

One thing to note: Enchanting has the *potential* to make money through disenchanting. Throw-away green or blue items (ones that are really bad, no one would use) will sometimes disenchant into something worth considerably more at the auction house. Also, you can disenchant any of your old bind on equip or pickup items. Most players have to sell these to the vendor to get a very measly amount for them � you could disenchant something worth several gold from them.

Engineering - well ... sadly ... you have to be an engineer to use engineering items. And, if you can use the item, it means you can make the item (except for high levels - goblin/gnomish). Yes, there is some money to be made in engineering, but certainly not as much as the other trades. The main place money can be made is in the items required for quests.

4) Buy Low / Sell High

This is getting into the more complex of the ways to make your gold.
To be able to buy low/sell high, you will need an initial investment.
I suggest at least 10 gold if not 50 - 100 gold. But, 10 gold will get you started.

The strategy is simple - buy an item at a lower price than it is worth or can be sold for, and then turn around and sell it for that higher price.

To do this, many players will watch the trade channel in their main city. They watch for WTS (wanting to sell) [item]. Players selling like this want to sell their item now and not wait for AH - this is the perfect opportunity for the low/high buying player. You simply send them a private message asking how much or by saying I will give you x gold for that item. From there, you negotiate. The idea is that you try to get the item as low as possible. Make sure you always buy lower than it can sell for - this means watching the auction house like a hawk. You have to know what is worth what and how quickly it sells. Supply vs. Demand.

So, now you have your item. Let's say you were able to buy it for 2g and it can sell at the auction house - ON the weekend - for 10g. You've just made 8g. Now, all you have to do is wait until about 7 pm on Friday to put your item up, or any time will do on Friday. Just do the same thing here I suggested for the farmers.

Someone doing this may turn anywhere from 1g - 2000g in a day depending on how much they buy and sell. However, a rough way of figuring it out is that you can only make twice as much as your initial investment. Sometimes you may make less, sometimes more - but never expect any more than twice what you invested.

One last note: If you see an item up for less than it sells for, you know this by watching the market, IMMEDIATLY buy the item without a second thought. If you don't, someone else will.

5) Controlling the Market

This is by far the most involving way to make money in the world of warcraft. In this, you have to have a monopoly on the market - our example will be large glimmering shards. To start off, you will need a good bit, at least 10g if not 200g, of initial investment.

What you do is identify a market, large glimmering shards for our example, and start to up the price on it.

Let's say a stack of one large glimmering shard is selling for 90 silver. And, there are 10 shards up at the Auction House. To control this market, what you would do is completely buy out all of the large glimmering
shards- every last one of them. Then, you would go back and sell them for any price you decide as you are the only supply for large glimmering shards. Let's be reasonable and only sell them for 1 gold 80 silver.
Now, people are used
to them being 90 silver and will not buy them for the first week.
Also, you *must* have at least 3 - 5 items up at any given time for the price you have set. If they are not yours but are at 1 gold 80 silver, no problem. If someone puts them up for less, immediately buy them out.
After about a week of doing this, people will start to accept that the price of a large glimmering shard is now 1.8g. Also, the people selling the shards will think that they have been selling at 1.8g, so they will put them up for that amount as well. Now, all you have to do is sell off all of your large glimmering shards at 1.8g - you just made twice what you invested.

Now, it may seem that the buy low/ sell high would work better - but, where it differs is that you set the price. Make sure to no more than double it at first. But, once the price is accepted at 90s, then you could do the same thing, this time at 3 gold. All the time, you have more and more large glimmering shards. Sell those, and you have made 3x what you invested in the beginning.

Also, control more than one market. If you only control large glimmering shards, then you will only sell at a certain rate. Instead, control several markets. It can be anything - fish, herbs, items ... You could even decide to control the market for items level 30 - 40. That is, you buyout every item within that level range and then double the price.
The people that level will need items, and they will have to buy from you.

Two things to note:
First - other people will see the rise in price in that market and decide to start selling the item as well. If too many people do this, which ALWAYS happens, abandon the market - sell what you have left for more than you bought it for and be done with it. A way to identify if there is too much supply is if there are 20+ of that same item at the auction house. So, you will be controlling a market for roughly 2 - 3 weeks before you move on to another market due to increase in supply.

Secondly - people will NOT like you for doing this. In America (in the corporate world), this is considered illegal. You ARE monopolizing a market and giving people no choice but to buy from you. You WILL get a negative reputation if you do this long enough - especially if you stay in a market for too long. So, you may not necessarily do this with your main character.

One Last Thing - this method eats up a lot of time. You will have to check the auction house at least twice a day to make sure everything is fine and at your price. You may end up doing this over leveling even. So, only go for this method if you want a challenge. Remember, you cannot just buyout all of a market and expect the worth to change in one day - it takes at least a week of monitoring.

A note to those trying to fight the monopolizers - if they are doing it correctly, you can't beat them by selling for less. Instead, sell for more. If the price of an item goes too high, then the market will crash. Suddenly, the prices will be within reason again. You can force this by having a base price at a price you think it should be and a buyout higher than what the monopolizer is selling for. This way, someone gets the item for the right price OR the monopolizer must buy the item at a loss. There you go; there is your ammo for fighting the fight. Monopolizers - easy way to beat this is� (can't tell you, trade secret).

Warrior Macro

Contents this is a general classification – you may find what you're after, or the basic commands in different areas...
Weapon swaps
Stance dances
PvP / DPS / Leveling
Multi Tanking
Miscellaneous & others (TBC)
Common macro commands
Weapon Swaps

(you shift-click your weapon / shield etc. into your macro ..)
Dual wielding to 2h and back to DW :

/equipslot 16 Maladath, Runed Blade of the Black Flight
/equipslot 17 Qiraji Sacrificial Dagger
/equipslot 16 The Untamed Blade

Shield : (first line puts you into def stance)

/cast [stance:1/3]Defensive Stance
/equipslot 16 Maladath, Runed Blade of the Black Flight
/equipslot 17 Drillborer Disk

A one button version of the quick equip macro. Normal is tank, ctrl is DW, alt is resist shield. You can modify this any number of ways for 2H wep and different button combos.

/equipslot 16 Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
/equipslot 17 Elementium Reinforced Bulwark
/equipslot [modifier:ctrl] 17 Sickle of Unyielding Strength
/equipslot [modifier:alt] 17 Draconian Deflector

for particlular bag spots: 'PickupContainerItem' is where you want to put your shield.
/script PickupInventoryItem(17); if CursorHasItem()then PickupContainerItem(4,4);EquipItemByName("The Unstoppable Force");else EquipItemByName("Stormstrike Hammer"); EquipItemByName("The Immovable Object");end;

Stance Dances

Simple 1 ability dances, will put you in correct stance and cast ability as well as show cooldowns

# show Overpower
/cast [stance:1] Overpower; Battle Stance

# show Mocking Blow
/cast [stance:1] Mocking Blow; Battle Stance

# show Taunt
/cast [stance:2] Taunt; Defensive Stance

# show Whirlwind
/cast [stance:3] Whirlwind; Berserker Stance

Stance change "loop" macro. Access all stances from any stance with just 2 keybinds.

/cast [stance:1]Berserker Stance;[stance:3]Defensive Stance;[stance:2]Battle Stance

This one goes in the opposite direction:

/cast [stance:1]Defensive Stance;[stance:2]Berserker Stance;[Stance:3]Battle Stance

Toggles stances between def and battle stance and if control clicked, it will go to zerker stance.

/cast [modifier:ctrl,nostance:3] Berserker Stance; [stance:1] Defensive Stance; Battle Stance

Generic Stance Macro: Replace <* Stance Ability> with whatever you want.

/cast [stance:1] ; [stance:2] ; [stance:3]

Example: Will cast Overpower in Battle stance, Sunder Armor in Defensive, and Whirlwind in Berserker stance

/cast [stance:1] Overpower; [stance:2] Sunder Armor; [stance:3] Whirlwind

Fear Dance - think Mag Onyxia... will put you into zerker stance, pop zerker rage and then (back) to def stance

# show Berserker Rage
/cast [stance:1/2]Berserker Stance;Berserker Rage
/cast [stance:3]Defensive Stance

Charge /intercept

It either charges/intercepts, or puts you into the correct stance, another click and you charge/intercept. It will also leave you in zerker while in combat...

/cast [nocombat,stance:1] Charge; [combat,nostance:3] Berserker Stance; [nocombat,nostance:1] Battle Stance; [combat,stance:3] Intercept

A seperate charge/intercept macro for each of the stance bars. Put them in the same slot on their respective bar and then just spam that button/key and it will perform the appropriate logic as it switches around from bar to bar.

Charge/Intercept - (Battle Stance Bar)
Note, if you are out of range the charge will fail, but it will still pop bloodrage and zerker stance.

/cast [stance:1, combat] Berserker Stance;
/cast [stance:1, nocombat] Charge;
/cast [stance:1, nocombat] Berserker Stance;
/cast [stance:1, nocombat] Bloodrage;

Charge/Intercept - (Berserker Stance Bar)

/cast [stance:3, combat] Bloodrage;
/cast [stance:3, combat] Intercept;
/cast [stance:3, nocombat] Battle Stance;

Charge/Intercept - (Defensive Stance Bar)

/cast [stance:2, combat] Berserker Stance;
/cast [stance:2, nocombat] Battle Stance;
PvP / DPS / Lvling

Execute: in def stance will switch to battle; in battle or zerker will execute
/cast [stance:1] Execute; [stance:2] Battle Stance; [stance:3] Execute

Will cast Overpower in Battle stance, Sunder Armor in Defensive, and Whirlwind in Berserker
/cast [stance:1] Overpower; [stance:2] Sunder Armor; [stance:3] Whirlwind

Casts overpower then HS (it still works 'cos it is not on the GCD - it is a "on next attack" ability, and that means it can work with Overpower in this macro. same for Cleave...
/cast Overpower
/cast Heroic Strike

Always attempts to use Execute, but will use Heroic Strike if not available. Ctrl uses Cleave instead of Heroic Strike.
/cast Execute
/cast [modifier:ctrl] Cleave; Heroic Strike

change to berserker stance, intercept, and hamstring
/cast [stance:3] Intercept; Berserker Stance
/cast [stance:3] Hamstring

This is a great farming macro – it will dismount you (shift-click your mount to replace my Stormpike), charge, bloodthirst, queue HS and WW – anytime the target flees or otherwise gets out of range you will intercept – just watch your rage ;). Rinse repeat..
/cancelaura Stormpike Battle Charger
/cast [nocombat,stance:1] Charge; [combat,nostance:3] Berserker Stance; [nocombat,nostance:1] Battle Stance; [combat,stance:3] Intercept
/castsequence reset=5 Bloodthirst, Heroic Strike, Whirlwind

for PvP, I use the same macro above and replace the last line (i.e. beginning with /castsequence..) with
/cast Hamstring

Disarm (From Battle/Berserker Stance):
# show Disarm
/cast [nostance:2] Defensive Stance; Disarm
Depending on the stance you want to swap back to you could put another line like:
/cast [nostance:3] Berserker Stance

Interrupt - Shield bash or Pummel macro depending on whether or not a shield is equipped
/cast [stance:1/2,noequipped:Shields] Berserker Stance; [stance:1/2,equipped:Shields] Shield Bash; [stance:3] Pummel

#show Execute
/castrandom [nostance:1] Battle Stance; Overpower, Execute

Mortal/Heroic Strike w Bloodrage
#show Mortal Strike
/cast Bloodrage
/cast Mortal Strike
/cast Heroic Strike

Universal shoot macro - if you use a different type of ranged weapon for multiple gear sets:
/cast [equipped:Bows] Shoot Bow; [equipped:Crossbows] Shoot Crossbow; [equipped:Guns] Shoot Gun; [equipped:Thrown] Throw


I use a combination of two macros for your basic tank & spank encounters

/cast Sunder Armor
/cast Heroic Strike


/cast Revenge
/cast Shield Block

I use the HS/SA one first to get excellent threat, then the revenge/SB to give good mitigation and threat, adding in the other now and then... ;)

Taunt-MB-CS - Taunt/Def Stance switch. Ctrl is Mocking Blow/Battle Stance switch. Alt is Challenging Shout.

# show Taunt
/cast [modifier:alt] Challenging Shout;[modifier:ctrl,nostance:1] Battle Stance;
[modifier:ctrl,stance:1] Mocking Blow; [stance:2] Taunt; [nostance:2] Defensive Stance

a 'castsequence' tanking macro
/castsequence reset=5 Shield Block, Revenge, Sunder Armor

Devastate, Shield Slam, and Heroic Strike. Keeps HS queued and uses Devastate and Shield Slam for your supplemental aggro. Ctrl uses Cleave instead of Heroic Strike.
/castrandom Devastate, Shield Slam
/cast [modifier:ctrl] Cleave; Heroic Strike

Mocking Blow: swaps you to Battle stance and then casts Mocking Blow, then switches you back to Defensive Stance.
# show Mocking Blow
/cast [nostance:1] Battle Stance; Mocking Blow
/cast [nostance:2]Defensive Stance

Multi tanking

Seamlessly tab to the nearest target, sunder them and switch back to your current target – you won't even see the switch but they'll be sundered... ;)
/cast Sunder Armor

This macro will sunder the mob your mouse pointer is over without losing your current target (the mob must still be in melee range, of course). It also checks if the target is actually hostile and alive before doing this.
#show Sunder Armor
/cast [target=mouseover, harm, nodead] Sunder Armor

To overcome the 'tab' key's propensity to target anything, this macro first reduces the distance at which tab works to 10 units, performs the equivalent of a Tab (/targetenemy), then restores the default value.
/script SetCVar("targetNearestDistance", 10)
/script SetCVar("targetNearestDistance", 41)

Thunderclap - alt to use excess rage with sunder, switch to battle stance, TC, (back) to def stance
#show Thunder Clap
/cast [stance:1] Thunder Clap; [stance:2, modifier:alt] Sunder Armor
/cast [stance:1] Defensive Stance; Battle Stance


activating a trinket into a macro?
/use 13
/use 14
(13 = top trinket, 14 = bottom)

left click to sharpen MH, right click to do off hand
# show Dense Sharpening Stone
/use Dense Sharpening Stone
/use [button:2] 17; 16

self bandage (1st is bandages in bag 1 position 1, 2nd position does not matter)
/use [target=player] 1 1
/use [target=player] Heavy Runecloth Bandage

Oh crap button: intim shout, bandage and then re-target - 3 clicks, pause for bandage after second...
/cast Intimidating Shout
/use [target=player] Heavy Runecloth Bandage

Lifegiving Gem-Last Stand – 1 click for LGG, then another if needed for LS..
/castsequence Lifegiving Gem, Last Stand


Spell reflect (not tested) If you do not have a shield equipped, it will equip the one you designate. If you have a shield equipped and are in Battle or Defensive Stance, use Spell Reflect. If you have a shield equipped and are in Berserker Stance, it will change to Defensive Stance so that Spell Reflect can be cast.
/cast [stance:1/2,equipped:Shields] Spell Reflection; [stance:3,equipped:Shields] Defensive Stance
/equip [noequipped:Shields] Elementium Reinforced Bulwark

Intervene Macro (not tested):
Right now Intervene seems like it would be quite clicky to use… First you have to notice a mob going for a teammate, click that mob, then click the target of the mob (your teammate), then cast the spell. This helps cut that down.
/cast [nostance: 2] Defensive Stance; [help] Intervene; [target=targettarget, help] Intervene
Some common macro commands...


/assist [name] - Assist your target or the named unit if specified

Using Items:

/userandom , , item3, …

Examples of /equip and /use:

/userandom , , will attempt to use a randomly selected one of the specified items




/cast [option]
/castrandom , , …
/castsequence [reset=N/target/combat/shift/alt/ctrl] , , …

Sequenced Casting

* A new command /castsequence reset=N/target/combat/shift/alt/ctrl spell1, spell2, spell3
* The reset line can specify a number of seconds after which a sequence resets, or if it should reset on target change or leaving combat.
* The sequence tracks the 'next' spell in the sequence until it resets, the next spell only advances on a successful cast.
* You can specify a conditional at the start of the command before the reset to filter whether the sequence is used (You cannot use per-spell conditionals)
* You can specify items as well as spells

Action Bars:



/startattack [unit]


/cancelaura [Stormpike Battle Charger]


/stopmacro [option]


If multiple options are provided for an action, they must all be met before the action will happen. The options supported are as follows:
* target=unit - Run the command and perform tests on the specified unit (only applicable to spell casting or item use). You can specify 'none' as a target unit to act as if you have no target.
* help/harm - Choose depending on whether target is assistable or attackable
* combat - Choose depending on whether you're in combat or not
* stance or stance:# - Choose depending on your stance/shapeshift ("stance" alone matches any stance)
* stealth - Choose depending on whether you are stealthed
* mounted - Choose depending on whether you are mounted
* swimming - Choose depending on whether you are swimming
* flying - Choose depending on whether you are flying
* indoors - Choose depending on whether you are indoors
* outdoors - Choose depending on whether you are outdoors
* modifier or modifier:shift|ctrl|alt - Choose depending on any modifier keys you're holding at the time the macro runs
* equipped:|| - Choose if you have the specific item type equipped
* actionbar: - Choose if a specific actionbar is shown
* button:Z - Choose if the specified button is held down
* pet:| - Choose if your current active pet has the specified name or family (e.g. pet:bear/wolf)
* channeling or channeling:spell - Choose if you are channeling (possibly a specific spell)
* exists - Choose if the target exists
* dead - Choose if the target is dead

For stance and modifier you can list multiple matching values separated by the / character for the option to be true if ANY of them are true. For example modifier:shift/ctrl matches if shift or control is held down.
Any option can be prefixed with 'no' to select if it does NOT match. For example [nocombat]

# and - are comment characters in macros
A macro that starts with "# show " will show feedback for that item or spell. A macro that starts with "# show none" will show no feedback. Otherwise the first /cast, /randomcast, /castsequence, /use, or /random use command will be used to show feedback for the macro.
macros within macros?


Warlock Macro

Spell related:

Amped Coa
/cast Amplify Curse
/cast Curse Of Agony

Immolate / Conflagrate
/castsequence reset=combat/target/15 Immolate, Conflagrate

Bloodfury'd, ZHC'd, Amped, CoA
/cast Blood Fury;
/use Zandalarian Hero Charm
/cast Amplify Curse
/cast Curse Of Agony

The dotter
/castsequence reset=Target/Combat Corruption, Siphon Life, Curse of Agony, Unstable Affliction

Corruption rank 1 spamming
/targetenemy 1
/cast Corruption (Rank 1)

Siphon life spamming
/targetenemy 1
/cast Siphon Life

Banish if banishable, otherwise fear
/cast [harm] Banish
/cast [harm] Fear

Drain life, doesn't cast drain life when already channeling it
/cast [nochanneling:Drain Life] Drain Life

Drain mana, doesn't recast
/cast [nochanneling:Drain Mana] Drain Mana

Drain soul, doesn't recast
/cast [nochanneling:Drain Soul] Drain Soul

Pet related:

Devour self
/cast [pet:Felhunter,target=player] Devour Magic

Seduce nearest enemy
/cast [pet:Succubus,harm] Seduction

Cast pet abilities
/cast [pet:Imp] Phase Shift; [pet:Voidwalker] Sacrifice; [pet:Succubus] Invisibility; [pet:Felhunter] Spell lock; [pet:Felguard] Cleave

Cast pet abilities part 2
/cast [pet:imp] Fire Shield; [pet:Voidwalker] Suffering; [pet:Succubus] Seduction; [pet:Felhunter] Devour Magic; [pet:Felguard] Intercept

Void bubble recast
/castsequence [pet:Voidwalker] Sacrifice, Fel Domination, Summon Voidwalker

Seduce if succu otherwise fear, nearest
/cast [pet:Succubus] Seduction; Fear

Full pet stay


/cast Create Soulstone (Major)()
/use Major Soulstone

Fire wand or spellstone
/cast [equipped:wand] Shoot; Major Spellstone

Fun filled macros:

Schoon's famous /lick macro
/targetraid 1
/lick %1

More advanced macros:

Memorized fearing
/target [button:2] focus
/focus [harm] target
/cast [target=focus,exists] Fear
/targetLastTarget [button:2] 2
*Note: Use mousebutton 2 to lock a player/mob to refear him/her/it when you repress the macro

Memorized banishing
/target [button:2] focus
/focus [harm] target
/cast [target=focus,exists] Banish
/targetLastTarget [button:2] 2
*Note: Use mousebutton 2 to lock a player/mob to rebanish him/her/it when you repress the macro

Memorized seducing
/target [button:2] focus
/focus [harm] target
/cast [target=focus,exists,pet:Succubus] Seduction
/targetLastTarget [button:2] 2
*Note: Use mousebutton 2 to lock a player/mob to reseduce him/her/it when you repress the macro

Pet related abilities with focused'd targetting and mouseover targetting
/clearfocus [target=focus,dead]
/cast [pet:succubus,target=focus,harm]Seduction;[pet:succubus,target=mouseover]Seduction; [pet:voidwalker]Sacrifice;[pet:felhunter,target=mouseover]Spell Lock;[pet:felhunter]Spell Lock;[pet:Felguard]Intercept

Pet related abilities with focused'd targetting and mouseover targetting
/focus [pet:succubus,harm]
/clearfocus [modifier:alt]
/cast [pet:felhunter,modifier:ctrl,target=player]Devour Magic;[pet:felhunter,target=mouseover]Devour Magic;[pet:felhunter]Devour Magic;[pet:voidwalker]Suffering;[pet:Felguard]Cleave

Shaman Macro

Lesser Healing Wave
/cast [modifier:alt,target=player] Lesser Healing Wave; [target=target,help] Lesser Healing Wave; [target=targettarget,help] Lesser Healing Wave; [target=player] Lesser Healing Wave

This handles pretty much all situations.

-The first part says that if I hold down alt and click on the macro, I'll heal myself with LHW.
-The second part checks to see if my current target is a friendly, if so LHW him.
-Third part checks to see if my target's target is a friendly, if so LHW on friendly.
(useful when you can't tell who is tanking like in AV boss fights– just target him and spam away)
-The last part says when all else fails (ie no target selected) heal thyself.

This macro doesn't ever change your currently selected target. This macro I've found is very useful and highly intuitive to use. Something to note is that I purposely put the [target=target] ahead of the [target=targettarget]. This is because I want to avoid the possibility of my friendly target, who is targeting another friendly and his target ends up with my heals (hope that makes sense).

Also swap Lesser Healing Wave with Healing Wave and you have your Healing Wave macro.

NS + Healing Wave:

/cast Nature's Swiftness
/cast [modifier:alt,target=player] Healing Wave; [target=target,help] Healing Wave; [target=targettarget,help] Healing Wave; [target=player] Healing Wave


/use Zandalarian Hero Charm
/cast Nature's Swiftness
/cast [modifier:alt,target=player] Healing Wave; [target=target,help] Healing Wave; [target=targettarget,help] Healing Wave; [target=player] Healing Wave

You can also add Blood Fury to the macros by inserting the following:

/cast Blood Fury

so for example NS healing wave with Blood fury + ZHC:

/cast Blood Fury
/use Zandalarian Hero Charm
/cast Nature's Swiftness
/cast [modifier:alt,target=player] Healing Wave; [target=target,help] Healing Wave; [target=targettarget,help] Healing Wave; [target=player] Healing Wave

Note that when you try to cast these macros when the cooldown of any of the trinkets is not up causes errors and may stop the macro from ever getting to the Greater heal, so for that reason I recommend only using this macro when you have all the cooldowns up and available.

A work around is the following for a NS + blood fury with ZHC trinket macro:

/cast Blood Fury
/use Zandalarian Hero Charm
/cast Nature's Swiftness

Then choose whatever spell you want to NS, the disadvantage of course being you will have to hit two buttons making it slower.

NS + ZHC + blood fury + Chain lightning:

/cast Blood Fury
/use Zandalarian Hero Charm
/cast Nature's Swiftness
/cast Chain Lightning

Again if your cooldowns are not up the chain lightning will not cast, so this needs to be on a seperate key from your regular chain lightning. Cut the lines /cast Blood Fury /stopcasting if you are not an orc.

/use Zandalarian Hero Charm
/cast Nature's Swiftness
/cast Chain Lightning

Earth Shield:

/cast [modifier:alt,target=player] Earth Shield; [target=target,help] Earth Shield; [target=targettarget,help] Earth Shield; [target=player] Earth Shield[/list]

This uses the same caster options as greater and lesser healing wave macros.

Earth shield + ZHC

/use Zandalarian Hero Charm
/cast [modifier:alt,target=player] Earth Shield; [target=target,help] Earth Shield; [target=targettarget,help] Earth Shield; [target=player] Earth Shield

Again this will give error messages if your ZHC timer is on cooldown.

Same macro with blood fury added:

/use Zandalarian Hero Charm
/cast Blood Fury
/cast [modifier:alt,target=player] Earth Shield; [target=target,help] Earth Shield; [target=targettarget,help] Earth Shield; [target=player] Earth Shield

Stun and Self-Heal (Tauren)

/castsequence [target=player] reset=120/combat War Stomp, Lesser Healing Wave

Cleanse Poison/disease combo:

left click abolish poison, right click remove disease. both find target, alternatively, if you prefer targeting player first, replace target=none with target=target

/cast [button:1,target=none] Cure Poison; [button:2,target=none] Cure Disease

Rogue Macro

Rogue Macro

Bag and Bagslots: Yes, these can still be used in 2.0, but the format is a bit different.
Format example:
/use x y
Where x is the bag location, and y is the slot within the bag (this part has not changed for 2.0).
X = Bags; [4][3][2][1][0]. They count from 4 to 0, LEFT to RIGHT. 0 is your backpack.
Y = Slots inside the bag count, from top left to bottom right;
[1] [2] [3] [4]
[5] [6] [7] [8]
[9] [10][11][12]
Inventory / Equipped Item Slot Numbers: This is relatively unchanged, with the exception of being able to use the slot by name now, as seen in the [equipped] function below.
0 = ammo
1 = head
2 = neck
3 = shoulder
4 = shirt
5 = chest
6 = belt
7 = legs
8 = feet
9 = wrist
10 = gloves
11 = finger 1
12 = finger 2
13 = trinket 1 (top)
14 = trinket 2 (bottom)
15 = back
16 = main hand
17 = off hand
18 = ranged
19 = tabard
20 = first bag (the rightmost one)
21 = second bag
22 = third bag
23 = fourth bag (the leftmost one)
Inventory Slots usable with the [equipped] function: This argument can either be an Inventory Slot (see below), an item type, or an item subtype.
Held In Off-hand
Off Hand
Thrown (ranged slot items like thrown daggers)
Main Hand
Off Hand
Examples of /equip and /use:
/userandom , , will attempt to use a randomly selected one of the specified items
Item Types: The WoWWiki page lists all of the Item Types at the following link.
Weapon Types: I have included the Weapon Types here, for your convenience when crafting Weapon-Swap macros.
Fishing Pole
Fist Weapons
One-Handed Axes
One-Handed Maces
One-Handed Swords
Two-Handed Axes
Two-Handed Maces
Two-Handed Swords
Action-Bars and Action-Bar Slots: This function is unchanged, although its usefulness seems greatly reduced.
1: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
3: 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
4: 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
5: 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
6: 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72
Macro Icon Selection: You may now utilize the “#show” string to display any desired or when coupled with the “?” macro icon. If you select the “?” icon for your “/castsequence” or “/castrandom” macros it will display the next spell to be cast from the sequence. For example:
#show Cold Blood
/castsequence Cold Blood, Eviscerate
This will display the Cold Blood icon and the cooldown timer for Cold Blood on your macro button if the “?” was selected as your macro icon. The first click will cast Cold Blood while the second click will cast Eviscerate. However, the macro icon will always show the Cold Blood icon.
In this example:
/castsequence Cold Blood, Eviscerate
Cold Blood and its cooldown timer are displayed. However, after Cold Blood has been clicked it will switch to display the Eviscerate icon, as it is next in the sequence. Again, this assumes you assign the “?” icon for your macro.

Buttons for Macros; Left-Click, Right-Click, Mouse-Over, etc.
For 2.0 we now have the ability to specify which button will make our macro perform which action. This can help allow more versatility in our macros, and thus save action-bar space.

The button designations are: button 1 = left-click, button 2 = right-click, button 3 = center-click. See the link above for more button option info. Designating the buttons should appear similar to the following:
/cast [button:2] Riposte; Sinister Strike
This will cast Sinister Strike with a “normal” left-click, or Riposte with a right-click.

We can also designate the “target=mouseover” option, saving us the need to select a new target for our ability, such as in the following macro:
/cast [target=mouseover] Blind
This should cast Blind on the target your mouse cursor is currently over. However, this will require pressing the macro button, as opposed to simply clicking on the macro since your mouse will be hovering over the target, not the macro button…

Macro Modifiers; The Shift / Control (Ctrl) / Alternate (Alt) Keys
Your macro functions may be modified by designating a key-push to change the action(s) performed when the macro is clicked. For example:
/cast [modifier:shift/alt/ctrl] Cold Blood; Backstab
/cast [modifier:shift] Backstab; [modifier:alt] Eviscerate; [modifier:ctrl] Mutilate
Hold and it's a Cold Blood -> Backstab with one click. Hold down for a Cold Blood -> Eviscerate with one click. The key gives you a Cold Blood -> Mutilate. If you don't press anything then it will default to a regular Backstab (as seen in the first line).

This macro allows you to mash the stealth button without de-stealthing yourself.
/cast [nostealth] Stealth
/cast [nocombat,nostealth] shadowmeld
This macro will cast Stealth (mashable) if unstealthed, and will cast Shadowmeld if Stealth is on cooldown and you are out of combat. Once Stealth CD is up it will toggle you back to stealth form.
/cast [stance:0] stealth
/cast [nocombat,nostealth] shadowmeld
STEALTH (Left-Click) -> SHADOWMELD (Right-Click) -> Both Mashable
/cast [nostealth] Stealth
/cast [button:2,nocombat,nostealth] shadowmeld
STEALTH (Left-Click) -> MOUNT (Right-Click)
This is not a spammable stealth.
/use [button:2]
/cast [button:1] stealth
/cast [stealth] Cheap Shot; Stealth
In theory, this one will allow you to mash for stealth. If you are not stealthed and not in combat then it should stealth you. If you are in combat then it should Vanish you.
/cast [combat] Vanish; [nostealth] Stealth
/cast [combat] Gouge; Stealth
Since the cast sequence will stop until it is able to cast each item, this should re-stealth you (if possible) following the Gouge. Otherwise, it will reset after 20 seconds.
/castsequence reset=20 Gouge, Stealth, Cheap Shot, Sinister Strike
Alternatively: If you're already stealthed, it hits with a CS opener. If you're not stealthed and in combat you gouge, unless it's on CD. This will also allow you to restealth without having to hit a target with gouge first. It will automatically reset to gouge if you change targets.
/cast reset=target/combat [nostealth,combat] Gouge; [nocombat, nostealth] stealth; [stealth] cheap shot


This performs a Shadowstep and ambush. requires 2 button presses :/
#show Shadowstep
/castsequence Shadowstep, Ambush
This should equip the appropriate weapons depending of if you are stealthed or not, as well as casting Shadowstep followed by Ambush if you are stealthed. Otherwise it will cast Hemorrhage.
/equip [stealth] , [nostealth]
/cast [equipped:daggers, stealth] Shadowstep
/cast [equipped:daggers, stealth] Ambush; [equipped: One-Handed Swords] Hemorrhage
This will cast Shadowstep on the first press and Sap on the second.
/castsequence reset=20 Shadowstep, Sap
Another option is to add a Right-Click for Sap only:
/castsequence reset=20 Shadowstep, Sap
/cast [button:2] Sap
Or use a Modifier (shift/ctrl/alt) for Sap:
/castsequence reset=20 Shadowstep, Sap
/cast [modifier:shift/ctrl/alt] Sap
This will Ambush if you are stealthed, or Backstab if you are not. You can substitute the opener of your choice in place of the Ambush or Backstab then just spam it. It will normally be able to fire off a Backstab following the Ambush.
/cast Premeditation
/cast Shadowstep
/cast [stealth] Ambush; Backstab
A 1-click Shadowstep -> Ambush (if Dagger is equipped) "else" Garrote (if no Dagger equipped).
/cast Shadowstep
/cast [equipped:daggers] Ambush; Garrote

/cast [stealth] Ambush; Backstab
/cast [nostealth] Backstab; Ambush
This will auto-attack even if the requirements for backstab are not met (60 Energy, behind the target) without toggling off the auto-attack.
/cast Backstab
/castsequence reset=target Cheap Shot, Mutilate, Kidney Shot, Mutilate, Eviscerate
/dismount [mounted]
/castsequence reset=target Stealth, Cheap Shot, Mutilate, Kidney Shot


This will cycle through 5 Sinister Strike’s and then Eviscerate. As a “castsequence”, it will not Eviscerate until all 5 Sinister Strikes have been fired off, and it will reset if you change targets.
/castsequence reset=target Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Eviscerate
SINISTER STRIKE (Left-Click) -> EVISCERATE (Right-Click)
/cast [button:2] Eviscerate; Sinister Strike
This macro will begin the auto-attack, as well as randomly perform Sinister Strike or Riposte. The potential drawback of “SS lockup” or “missed Riposte” is very small due to the relatively-fast (6 sec) cooldown of Riposte combined with the 50/50 chance of casting either spell.
/castrandom Sinister Strike, Riposte
SINISTER STRIKE (Left-Click) -> RIPOSTE (Right-Click)
/cast [button:2] Riposte; Sinister Strike
Replace Sinister Strike with Hemorrhage, as desired. Throw an extra 5 Sinister Strikes and a Slice and Dice on the end and you have a decent raid dps cycle.
/castsequence reset=target Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Rupture
This one will start your auto-attack, as well as randomly cast Riposte or the "Castsequence". The Castsequence will spam Sinister Strikes for 5 combo points, then fire off Slice and Dice, followed by 5 more Sinister Strikes and a 5 point Eviscerate. Feel free to modify the castsequence portion of this one to fit your needs.
/castrandom Riposte, castsequence reset=target Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Slice and Dice, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Eviscerate
/castrandom Sinister Strike, Riposte, Berserking
Lots of requests for Weapon Swaps, so here are some of the basics. From these you should be able to substitute the Spell of your choice and swap away!

Please Note: If you are spamming these it is possible for you to hit the macro before the game registers that you have the correct weapon in hand, which will cause you to switch weapons again instead of casting the appropriate ability.

We have also heard of people having trouble with these macros when using non-standard UIs or “Bar” addons.

Hit it once to switch to a dagger, then spam it to cast Ambush as soon as it's ready. I generally use this in conjunction with the Weapon-Swap then Backstab macro below. This allows me to toggle back to my main weapon after I de-stealth.
/cast Ambush
Assuming you don’t have a dagger equipped, this will swap your weapon on first click, then cast Backstab AND swap weapon back on the second click.
/cast Backstab
/run UseContainerItem(x,y)
/cast [equipped:daggers] backstab; equip
The first macro will equip a dagger then cast Mutilate.
/cast [noequipped:One-HandSword] Mutilate
/equip [equipped:Sword]
This one will equip a sword, then cast Sinister Strike.
/cast [equipped:Sword] Sinister Strike;
/equip [noequipped:Sword]
This macro swaps your Main-Hand weapon with your Off-Hand weapon.
/equipslot 16
/equipslot 17
Or, you could try using a Modifier (shift/ctrl/alt) or Button:
/equipslot 16 [button:2] ,
/equipslot 17 [button:2] ,
So in theory, you can Right-Click the macro to equip the first named items, or Left-Click the macro to equip the second named items.

MAIN-HAND WEAPON SWAP (Right-Click / Left-Click)
Left-click to equip the second weapon, right-click to equip the first weapon.
/equipslot 16 [button:2] ,
This one is similar, but is not Main-Hand specific:
/equip [button:2] ,
If you are stealthed it will equip a dagger, if you are not stealthed it will equip a sword. If you have a dagger equipped and are stealthed it will cast Ambush. If you have a One-Handed Sword equipped it will cast Hemorrhage.
/equip [stealth] , [nostealth]
/cast [equipped:daggers, stealth] Ambush; [equipped: One-Handed Swords] Hemorrhage
This macro will stealth, then switch main and off hand weapons, cast back stab, then switch weapons again all in one macro. Reset the /castsequence by pressing ctrl then clicking the macro.
/castsequence reset=ctrl Stealth, Backstab
/script PickupInventoryItem(16); PickupInventoryItem(17)
This looks for your Sword and if it IS equipped, it will swap in the Dagger. If the Sword is NOT equipped, then it will swap in the Sword.
/script if strfind(GetInventoryItemLink("player",16)or"", "") then EquipItemByName("", 16) else EquipItemByName("", 16) end

This macro will cast Cold Blood on the first click, then Eviscerate on the second click.
#show Cold Blood
/castsequence reset=180 Cold Blood, Eviscerate
This one will cast both Cold Blood and Eviscerate with a single click.
/cast Cold Blood
/cast Eviscerate
COLD BLOOD (Left-Click) -> EVISCERATE (Right-Click)
/cast [button:2] Eviscerate; Cold Blood
This macro will start the auto-attack, cast Sinister Strike five times to generate 5 combo points, then cast Cold Blood, and finally cast Eviscerate. This will NOT check for a cooldown on Cold Blood, therefore I recommend using the “?” macro icon and #show Cold Blood so you can monitor your Cold Blood cooldown.
#show Cold Blood
/castsequence reset=180 Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Cold Blood, Eviscerate
A Left-Click will do your 1-click Premeditation->Ambush. A Right-Click it will do your 1-click Cold Blood->Eviscerate.
/cast [button:2] Cold Blood; Premeditation
/cast [button:2] Eviscerate; Ambush
If stealthed and Premeditation is up it will Premed + CS in one click. If Premeditation is on cooldown then it will just Cheap Shot. If you are unstealthed it will use Hemorrhage.
/cast [stealth] Premeditation; Hemorrhage
/cast [stealth] Cheap Shot
Make sure you are performing this on a stunned and poisoned target.
/cast Cold Blood
/cast Mutilate
Hold and it's a Cold Blood -> Backstab with one click. Hold down for a Cold Blood -> Eviscerate with one click. The key gives you a Cold Blood -> Mutilate. If you don't press anything then it will default to a regular Backstab (as seen in the first line). Alternatively, you may substitute Backstab with Sinister Strike, Mutilate, etc.
/cast [modifier:shift/alt/ctrl] Cold Blood; Backstab
/cast [modifier:shift] Backstab; [modifier:alt] Eviscerate; [modifier:ctrl] Mutilate
/cast [button:2] Cold Blood
/castsequence reset=target Cheap Shot, Mutilate, Kidney Shot, Mutilate, Eviscerate
That will allow you to cast Cold Blood at any time you feel the need. You simply right-click the macro to fire up the Cold Blood, and you can still use the macro even if it’s on cooldown. If you want to monitor your Cold Blood cooldown too, then use the “?” macro icon and add “#show Cold Blood” to the first line of this macro.


This will fire off Premeditation then Cheap Shot with one button press!
/cast Premeditation
/cast Cheap Shot
/cast Premeditation
/cast Shadowstep
/cast Cheap Shot

This will cast Ghostly Strike, followed by Hemorrhage five times. It will also reset after 20 seconds (the cooldown for Ghostly Strike).
/castsequence reset=20 ghostly strike, hemorrhage, hemorrhage, hemorrhage, hemorrhage, hemorrhage
…alternatively you may “/castrandom”, although this has been found to be less useful.
/castrandom Ghostly Strike, Hemorrhage
This one will start your auto-attack, as well as randomly cast either Ghostly Strike or the "Castsequence". The Castsequence will spam Hemorrhage for 5 combo points, then fire off a 5 point Eviscerate. Feel free to modify the castsequence portion of this one to fit your needs.
/castrandom Ghostly Strike, castsequence reset=target Hemorrhage, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhage, Eviscerate
This will cast Ghostly Strike, followed by Sinister Strike, then Eviscerate. Please note that it will reset if you change targets, but if Ghostly Strike is still on cooldown (20 seconds) this macro may lock up.
/castsequence reset=target Ghostly Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Eviscerate
SINISTER STRIKE (Left-Click) -> HEMORRHAGE (Right-Click)
/cast [button:2] Hemorrhage; Sinister Strike
HEMORRHAGE (Left-Click) -> EVISCERATE (Right-Click)
/cast [button:2] Eviscerate; Hemorrhage
AMBUSH (If Stealthed) / HEMORRHAGE (If Not Stealthed)
This will have to either go on both your stealth and normal action bars, or on an action bar that does not toggle.
/cast [stealth] Ambush; Hemorrhage
You may also consider replacing the Eviscerate with Rupture, for those of you with Serrated Blades. It bypasses armor and works into the rotation better.
/castsequence reset=target Hemorrhage, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhage, Slice and Dice, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhage, Eviscerate


SLICE AND DICE (Left-Click) -> EVISCERATE (Right-Click)
/cast [button:2] Eviscerate; Slice and Dice
This will generally spam SS until you get 5cps, then it will fire off Slice & Dice.
I understand die-hard raiders use this stuff…
/castsequence reset=target Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Slice and Dice
So this sequence will give you some speedy attacks, then build up to 5cps before it Eviscerates.
#show Blade Flurry
/castsequence reset=120 Sinister Strike, Slice and Dice, Blade Flurry, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Eviscerate
So this sequence will give you some speedy attacks as you build up to 5cps before it fires off a Cold Blood -> Eviscerate!
#show Cold Blood
/castsequence reset=180 Sinister Strike, Slice and Dice, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Cold Blood, Eviscerate
It will require 2 presses, and I'm not sure it's possible to do fast enough before you shift out of stealth. If you put this one on the stealth bar make sure that you have it on the same slot on the regular bar.
/castsequence reset=target/combat Cheap Shot, Slice and Dice


This has been going around for a while now. Here is a good Forum Thread on the subject, although it is from 1.0, the theory is still good.

In summary, it shows a macro and steps to follow. The 2.0 version should be something similar to this (starting with a sapped or gouged target):
/cast Expose Armor
However, it seems that occasionally after EA is fired off an attack will still “sneak” in there. To prevent this, you can turn away from your target or try swapping weapons to stop the attack. Insert the name of your ranged weapon.
/cast Expose Armor
Cheap Shot would work like this:
/cast Cheap Shot
Another thing that seems to work is if you manually unsheath your ranged weapon (default key is Z), then use your macro. Testing has shown that so long as your ranged weapon is in your hand when you Expose Armor, it will not break your controlling spell.

Please Note: These macros are unreliable at best, and this maneuver require some practice, skill, and finesse to pull off properly.

Blade Flurry -> Evasion -> Adrenalin Rush -> Sinister Strike
You can reorder the BF/Eva/AR based on how you want to start your combat,
/castsequence reset=120 Blade Flurry, Evasion, Adrenaline Rush, Sinister Strike
Yeah, this one will take a bit of tweaking but just imagine the possibilities. Load up your StunWatch and practice your timing. And here they didn’t want us to be able to “automate” our responses. /Thanks for the /castsequence!
/castsequence reset=target Cheap Shot, Gouge, Stealth, Cheap Shot, Sinister Strike, Cold Blood, Eviscerate, Vanish, Cheap Shot, Gouge, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Eviscerate
Feel free to add to and modify this one – maybe throw in some Thistle Tea somewhere - just don’t use it against me! ;-)

Hover your mouse cursor over a second target, hit this macro, and never have to switch from your original target.
/cast [target=mouseover] Blind
Left-Click for Sinister Strike x5 -> Evis
Right-Click for BF -> Eva -> AR
/castsequence [button:2] reset=120 Blade Flurry, Evasion, Adrenaline Rush
/castsequence reset=target Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Eviscerate
Spam this one to get yourself out of hairy PvP situations in battlegrounds.
/castsequence vanish, premeditation, cheapshot


Everyone has macros that are tuned to their particular play-style and spec. Here are some that people have posted in the past that defy my crude attempts to categorize. You may find these useful.

With the Panther Figurine this will give you a nice 15 seconds of increased dodge, removed debuffs, magic damage absorbed, and +90 AP.
/castsequence evasion, cloak of shadows, Figurine - Black Pearl Panther
Yeah, you have to be an Orc for this one, but it’s useful… if you’re an Orc.
#show Earthstrike
/use Earthstrike
/cast Blood Fury(racial)
If I am feared / sheeped, then this macro uses the trinket (keep your PvP Trinket in the top slot), otherwise it uses Cloak of Shadows.
#use Cloak of Shadows
/cast Cloak of Shadows
/use 13

/use [target=player] Heavy Runecloth Bandage
I believe this will require 2 button pushes.
/cast Blind
/use [target=player] Heavy Runecloth Bandage
Alternatively, you can try this one, but I believe this will still require 2 button pushes.
/castsequence blind, heavy runecloth bandage
I believe this will also require 2 button pushes.
/castsequence gouge, heavy runecloth bandage
Note that this also applies the AB Quest bandages. After you have used them all up and can use the regular AB “Highlander’s” bandages, you may delete this line from your macro.
**Please Note: This macro seems to be broken following the 2.0.4 update**
/use [button:2] Heavy Runecloth Bandage
/use Arathi Basin Runecloth Bandage
/use Alterac Heavy Runecloth Bandage
/use Highlander's Runecloth Bandage
/use Warsong Gulch Runecloth Bandage
Note that this does not utilize the AB Quest bandages due to the 255 character limit for macros.
**Please Note: This macro seems to be broken following the 2.0.4 update**
/use Heavy Runecloth Bandage
/use [button:2] Alterac Heavy Runecloth Bandage
/use [button:2] Highlander's Runecloth Bandage
/use [button:2] Warsong Gulch Runecloth Bandage
If you are using the AB Quest bandage, insert the following line in place of the “Highlander’s” bandage line.
/use [button:2] Arathi Basin Runecloth Bandage
This macro will eat the appropriate battleground food if you are in battlegrounds, or “normal” food (designated by name, or bagslot – as shown in this example) if you are outside the battlegrounds. Note that this also makes use of the AB Quest rations. After you have used them all up and can use the regular AB “Highlander’s” rations, you may delete this line from your macro.
/use Warsong Gulch Enriched Ration
/use Alterac Manna Biscuit
/use Highlander’s Enriched Ration
/use Arathi Basin Enriched Ration
/use 0 9
The Major Healing Draught (Battleground only potion) is used first. If you're not in a Battleground then the Combat Healing Potion (anywhere potion) is used. If you're out of those then the Major Healing Potion is consumed. Feel free to rearrange the potion order to optimize your healing as desired.
/use Major Healing Draught
/use Combat healing Potion
/use Major Healing Potion


MOUNT / DISMOUNT (right-click) -> STEALTH & CHEAP SHOT (left-click):
/cast [nostealth] Stealth; [stealth] Cheap Shot
/use [button:2]
This will mount you, or dismount if you are mounted, Stealth if not stealthed (mashable), then cast Cheap Shot if stealthed!
/dismount [mounted]
/cast [stealth] Cheap Shot; Stealth
/cast [nomounted, nostealth] Stealth; [nomounted] Cheap Shot
/dismount [mounted]
MOUNT / DISMOUNT + 3 ITEM SWAP (For Equipping Mount Speed Items):
One press will switch your items and mount / dismount you. Note that activating the macro while moving will switch your items without summoning the mount, and you’ll be running around in your riding gear. Replace the container locations with the locations of your trinket, riding gloves, and spur-boots. Replace the mount name with your actual mount.
/use Reins of the Striped Frostsaber
/run U=UseContainerItem;U(0,12)U(0,11)U(0,8)
Alternatively, to add in Stealth or Shadowmeld (both spammable) with a Right-Click:
/use Reins of the Striped Frostsaber
/run U=UseContainerItem;U(0,12)U(0,11)U(0,8)
/cast [button:2, nostealth] stealth; [button:2,nocombat,nostealth] shadowmeld
DISMOUNT -> STEALTH (or VANISH if in Combat)
A 'mashable stealth' with dismount if mounted and vanish when in combat.
This one will be useful for those who find themselves getting jumped on their pony.
/dismount [mounted]
/cast [combat] Vanish; [nostealth] Stealth
Note: if you would like this same button to unstealth, then you can just remove the "[nostealth]" part.

For those who like random mounts, here's a macro to choose a random mount and still be able to subsequently dismount. Insert the name(s) of your mounts in the appropriate place(s).
/dismount [mounted]
/userandom [nomounted] Great White kodo, Whistle of the Black War Raptor, Red Skeletal Warhorse

This will drink your Thistle Tea then follow up with a Cold Blood and Eviscerate.
#show Thistle Tea
/use Thistle Tea
/castsequence reset=180 Cold Blood, Eviserate
Alternatively, you could designate a Button-Click or a Modifier “[modifier:shift/ctrl/alt]” for using your Thistle Tea...
/use [button:2] Thistle Tea
/Castsequence reset=target Premeditation, Ambush, Eviscerate, Thistle Tea, Backstab, Sinister Strike, Hemorrhage
This macro will Premed -> Ambush -> Evis, then use your Tea, then Backstab -> Sinister Strike -> Hemorrhage. The nice thing about this macro is that you could simply use it for Thistle Tea at ANY TIME by just Right-clicking the Macro! This can help save space on your action bar.

To watch the Thistle Tea cooldown, just use the “?” macro icon and add “#show Thistle Tea” as the first like of your macro.

I generally use the Equipped Macro Icon addon for these so that I can see exactly what trinkets I have equipped, but I am waiting for the addon to be debugged for 2.0, as it currently interferes with Stealth-Bar toggling.

These lines can also be added to the beginning of other macros, for that “trinket boost” prior to putting the smack down!

Use Trinket in Top Slot:
/Use 13
Use Trinket in Bottom Slot:
/Use 14
Example of a “use a Trinket by name, then cast a spell” Macro:
This macro requires 2 button pushes to activate the item and the spell. The "#show" at the beginning will display the item named and its cooldown - whether or not the item is actually equipped (I believe it is grayed out if it is not equipped). Be sure to use the “?” macro icon.
/cast Blade Flurry
Alternatively, you may use a “/castsequence” and insert the item name:
/castsequence reset=120 , Blade Flurry
Example of a Right-Click to Cast / Left-Click to Trinket macro. This will also show your Trinket on the icon so you can monitor the cooldown.
#show Black Pearl Panther
/cast [button:2] Black Pearl Panther; Sinister Strike

Useful for applying poisons with a few clicks. No need to open your Character window.
*We have heard of people having trouble with these macros when using non-standard UIs or “Bar” addons.

This first one will apply poison to the MH with a ctrl-click and to the OH with an alt-click. It will also show how many doses of poison you have left in your bags.
/use [modifier:ctrl] 16
/use [modifier:alt] 17
This second macro will apply your poison and to the Main Hand (16) if you left-click the macro. It will apply your poison to the Off Hand (17) if you right-click the macro. It will also show how many doses of poison you have left in your bags.
/use [button:2] 17; 16
For applying a different poison to each weapon:
/castsequence [button:1] Crippling Poison II; [button:2] Wound Poison IV
/use [button:1] 16; [button:2] 17
Left-click it for main hand poison, right-click it for offhand poison. Also, because it is a “/castsequence”, if you use the “?” macro icon the icon changes to whichever poison you just applied and shows how many uses are left as well!


SINISTER STRIKE (Left-Click) -> SHOOT (Right-Click)
Replace the “Shoot Bow” with “Shoot ”.
/cast [button:2] Shoot Bow; Sinister Strike
SHOOT (Left-Click) -> BOMB / GRENADE (Right-Click)
Put your bombs in your bag and update the “x y” for the bag and slot, or just use the item by name.
/use [button:2] x y
/cast [button:1] Shoot Bow

Paladin Macro

Paladin Macro v2.0

What this Guide will do:

  • Show an easy way to edit macros without ever logging into WoW.
  • List a few basic Commands.
  • List macros from Easy to Avanced level.
  • Exploring the practicalities of the listed macros.
  • Admendum
    With the change of API 2.0.0 as the source for macro coding; players will recognize a more simplified list of commands than the HTML based commands of old. Quite frankly, these macros almost look like childs play to an advanced user.

Entroduction- How to edit Macros outside of the game.
These Macros should help any player in their pursuit of greater game-play. Thus, It is best for a player to come in with some knowledge of how to create a macro. However, for simplicities sake, this guide will even teach the novice of World of Warcraft players, those unfamiliar with any know-how beyond: "Type /macro to interact with the Macro Editor option", a handful of macros.

The first step is to open that Hard Drive. Any player can simply copy the pre made macros (ctrl + c) from the list and then pasting them (crtl + v) into their macro-cache text document within the WTF folder. To do this, one simply navigates to their WoW directory and finds the appropriate folder, the WTF in our case. But we must go further, so navigate to the following:

C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\"Your Account Name"\macro-cache.txt

If we actually explore the file, we can see a list of any macros that have been created and save. If you have zero macros, then the file is completely blank. Looking closely, if any macros are available, we can see that the file contains a list of macros according to their numbers, titles, a icon indicator, and the actual command text:

MACRO 1 "Hi" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/say hi

Creating a Macro without ever logging into WoW
With this information, a player doesn't even have to log into Warcraft to edit or create a macro. They can simply do it by editing the macro-cache text file.

Important: Not all macros can be edited this way and will have to be edited while logged into the game.

With a blank document, one can create a macro by following the examples from above. Open the macro-cache.txt document and get ready for some typing:

  • The first line contains the number of the macro, typed in caps, followed by the given name of that macro (which will appear in the icon with text), in quotations, and then an icon index image. The icon image is a bit more complex and takes some exploring to get the right image file name, as it seems they are listed by old Beta spell classifications, though I will link a page of the ability names below.

I would suggest using the following image indicator:

  • INV_Misc_Questionmark
  • The second line holds the actual Command text that makes the macro work.
    Finally, a simple "END" is placed on the final line, under command text, indicating an end to the command.

It should look something like the following:

MACRO 1 "Assist" INV_Misc_QuestionMark

When finished, save and exit. And there you have it- creating/editing macros without ever logging in!

Basic Commands
Lets look closely at what each macro has to offer in commands. We must always begin a macros with a certain command, one that tells what the macros is going to do:

  • /cast- This tells a macro that there will be a spell or ability to be used. Specifically a spell/ability from the spell book. Note that every ability found in the spell book beside those found on the first page, a la Attack, are considered spells. Non-passive racial abilities can also be used in macro commands.
  • /castsequence- This tells a macro that there will be several abilities/spells to be used in a specific order.
  • /stopcasting- this is a device used to end the last known command and so that another can begin. It is almost always accompanied in the /castsequence list of macros, very closely.

A list of Novice/Introductory Paladin Macros
The following is a list of a few macros that are not very complicated in structure that can be easily edited inside and outside of the game. The macros are listed by name with a description of that macro, underneath is the Command text (what makes it do, what it does).

  • Individual Player Holy Light Cast Holy Light/Flash of Light on a player in your party, or yourself, only.
  • /cast [help] Holy Light; [target="x"] Holy Light

"x" is Party(1-4), thus 5 individual Macros must be made with "Player" replacing "x" to target yourself. You can always replace the spell name with a different spell, i.e Flash of Light.

  • Easy Seal and Judgement Judge an enemy with one button or recast a Seal. Important: A seal must already be activated to achieve the Judgment effect.
  • /cast Judgement
    /cast Seal of X

"X" is the name of the Seal, i.e. Wisdom, Crusader etc. More complex version of this macro are listed later.

  • One touch Bubble-Bandage Cast Divine Shield and bandage yourself. This conserves mana when doing this rather than casting Holy Light.
  • /cast Divine Shield
    /useitem Heavy Runecloth Bandage, [target=player,help]

From there, all sorts of possibilities can be made on a novice level. However, there are only so many slots to fill in the macro editor. A concept in advanced macros will help combine functionality and stream line the number of macros.

Advanced Paladin Macros
These macros are more complicated in function, therefore it may take more effort to edit them properly.

Complex Seal and Judgement macros
These are modified version of the Seal and Judge macro, but you do not have to wait for a seal to be active to use the macro button. These are neat as the icons are animated with the Judgement cool down.

  • Seal of Command
  • /castsequence reset=30 Seal of Command, Judgement
  • Seal of the Crusader
  • /castsequence reset=30,target/combat Seal of the Crusader, Judgemen
  • Seal of Light
  • /castsequence reset=30 Seal of Light, Judgement
  • Seal of Justice
  • /castsequence reset=30 Seal of Justice, Judgement
  • Seal of Wisdom
  • /castsequence reset=30 Seal of Wisdom, Judgement
  • Seal of Righteousness
  • /castsequence reset=30 Seal of Righteousness, Judgement