Hunter Macro

Beast Rage(Orc's) - Will cast all spell's listed. Make sure the Devilsaur Eye is Equipped. If you do not have a spell I.E Blood Fury(Racial) you can remove it.

/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast Blood Fury(Racial)
/cast Intimidation
/cast Rapid Fire
/use Devilsaur Eye

Pet Attack/Pet Dash/Auto Shot/Hunter's Mark - Will send your pet in and have him cast Dash. You will start to Shot but what looks like half way in you will cast Hunter's Mark(Highest rank) Then Shot.
*Note* Can replace the Dash with your pets ability you wish. I.E. Charge/Dive.

/cast Auto Shot
/cast [pet] Dash
/cast Hunter's Mark

Arcane Shot/Multi-Shot/Volley - Will cast Arcane Shot then swich to Multi-Shot. If you do not cast Multi-Shot with in 5 sec's will swich back to Arcane Shot. Can press the Modifier(ALT) to cast Volley
*Note* If you have a remaped key I.E. ALT+1 and the macro is on the 1 key the Modifier wont work!

#show Arcane Shot
/cast [modifier:alt] Volley
/castsequence [nomodifier] reset=5 Arcane Shot, Multi-Shot

Serpent Sting/Viper Sting - Simple Macro holding the Modifier(ALT) will cast Viper Sting.

/cast [nomodifier] Serpent Sting
/cast [modifier:alt] Viper Sting

Aspects(Target Baced) - No target(Or a friendly target) Will Cast Aspect of the Cheetah. Enemy target will cast Aspect of the Hawk. Holding the Modifier(ALT) Will cast Aspect of the Monkey.

/cast [modifier:alt] Aspect of the Monkey
/cast [harm] Aspect of the Hawk
/cast [noharm] Aspect of the Cheetah

Feed Pet/Call Pet - No Pet will cast Call Pet. Having a Pet up(And Alive) will cast Feed Pet and use the food baced on the pets type.
This is good for people with more then one pet type I.E. Boar and a Wolf. Replace the Food Here with the food you wish to feed your pet.
*Note* Dont Forget to leave the ( ; ) after the first Food Here.

/cast [nopet] Call Pet; [pet, nocombat] Feed Pet
/use [pet:Cat/Ravager/Wolf, nocombat] Food Here; [pet:Bear/Boar/Wind Serpent, nocombat] Food Here

Pet Heal/Revive Pet/Call Pet - No Pet will cast Call Pet. Having a Pet up will cast Mend Pet. A dead Pet will cast Revive Pet.
*Note 1* Having a Dead Pet and moving to far away where you lose the Pet Portrait will cast Call Pet The game can not see that the pet is dead with out the Portrait so use the Modifier(ALT) to cast Revive Pet.

/cast [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet; [modifier:alt] Revive Pet; [nopet] Call Pet; Mend Pet

Melee Hunter Spam(No on-screen error text)
First it will turn off all on-screen error text then.
will Send your pet to attack. Start your melee attack. Cast Raptor Strike. Cast Mongoose Bite if able if not will skip and, Cast Wing Clip. From then on it will Cast the first spall that is able. Most of the time it is Wing Clip as there is no recast time.
After Each press is done it will clear the on-screen error text and turn it back on.
*Note* I added in a Modifier(ALT) to cast Aspect of the Monkey

#Show Raptor Strike
/cast [modifier:alt] Aspect of the Monkey
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/castrandom Raptor Strike, Mongoose Bite, Wing Clip
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Show()

Aspect With Reset - will cast Aspect of the Cheetah and swich to Aspect of the Hawk. If Aspect of the Hawk if not cast with in 5 sec's will reset back to Aspect of the Cheetah.
*Note* You can swich this to cast any two Aspect's just replace the Cheetah and Hawk with the one you want to cast.

/castsequence reset=5 Aspect of the Cheetah, Aspect of the Hawk

Small up date for some Blood elf Macro's -

Shots - Cast Arcane Shot, Multi-Shot, Mana Tap. With a reset. Volley is in there just for when it get's to that level.

#show Arcane Shot
/cast [modifier:alt] Volley
/castsequence [nomodifier] reset=5 Arcane Shot, Multi-Shot, Mana Tap(Racial)


#ShowToolTip Serpent Sting
/castsequence reset=5/target Serpent Sting, Mana Tap(Racial)

BattleGround Buffing - Easy way to get the buffs back up after you revive. Cast Track Humanoids followed by Aspect of the Hawk. Give's a 10 sec reset time so it will cast them in that order each time.

/castsequence reset=10 Track Humanoids, Aspect of the Hawk

>>>>New Up Date<<<<

Track Humanoids/Track Beasts/Track Hidden/Flare - I find this one real nice in the battle-grounds. Cast Track Humanoids, Followed by Track Beasts, 10sec reset time so if/when you die Track Humanoids will be first agine. A Modifier of ( ALT ) To cast Track Hidden, and a Modifier of ( CTRL ) To Cast Flare.

#show Track Humanoids
/cast [modifier:Ctrl] Flare
/cast [modifier:alt] Track Hidden
/castsequence [nomodifier]reset=10 Track Humanoids, Track Beasts

Two Old macro change's

Shots (Blood Elf's) - Swiched Volley to a Modifier of ( CTRL ) and added Aspect of the Hawk to the old Modifier of ( ALT )

#showToolTip Arcane Shot
/cast [modifier:Ctrl] Volley
/cast [modifier:alt] Aspect of the Hawk
/castsequence [nomodifier] reset=5 Arcane Shot, Multi-Shot, Mana Tap(Racial)

Stings (Blood Elf's) - Added Scorpid Sting to the Modifier of ( CTRL ) and Put Aspect of the Cheetah on the old Modifier of ( ALT )

#ShowToolTip Serpent Sting
/cast [modifier:Ctrl] Scorpid Sting
/cast [modifier:alt] Aspect of the Cheetah
/castsequence [nomodifier] reset=3 Serpent Sting, Mana Tap(Racial)

Hunter's Melee - I swiched Wing Clip with Frost Trap. Used way to much mana with Wing Clip in there to me.

#ShowToolTip Raptor Strike
/cast [modifier:alt] Aspect of the Monkey
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/castrandom Raptor Strike, Mongoose Bite, Frost Trap, Mana Tap(Racial)
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Show()

Hunter's Slow

Concussive Shot/Wing Clip - This one will Cast Concussive if ranged, And Cast Wing Clip if in Melee range, Also sick's your pet on the target. **NOTE** This is a /CASTRANDOM Will need to spam this at time's like the Hunter Melee Macro

#ShowToolTip Concussive Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/castrandom Concussive Shot, Wing Clip
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Show()

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