Priest Macro

General Macros

Cast a spell:

  • Cast the highest rank of spell_name that you know:
    /cast spell_name
    example: /cast Flash Heal
  • Cast the Nth rank of spell_name:
    /cast spell_name(rank N)
    example: /cast Greater Heal(rank 2)
  • Cast a sequence of spells (you of course need to press the macro again everytime you want the next spell of the sequence to be cast):
    • Cast the spells spell_name1, spell_name2, spell_name3 (etc...) in this order (you can precise the rank to use too):
      /castsequence spell_name1,spell_name2,spell_name3
      example: /castsequence Inner Fire, Power Word: Fortitude, Shadow Protection
    • Same, but the sequence will start again to the first spell after N seconds:
      /castsequence reset=N spell_name1,spell_name2,spell_name3
      example: /castsequence reset=10 Inner Fire, Power Word: Fortitude, Shadow Protection

      You can replace one (or more) of the spell names by item names to use items instead of casting spells in this sequence.

  • Cast a random spell from the list spell_name1, spell_name2, spell_name3 (etc... and you can precise the rank to use too):
    /castrandom spell_name1,spell_name2,spell_name3
    example: /castrandom Holy Fire,Smite(rank 1) (not sure if there's any way to make that useful :p)

    You can replace one (or more) of the spell names by item names to use items instead of casting spells from this list.

Use a trinket (or another equipped item):

  • Use the trinket in the upper slot:
    /use 13
  • Use the trinket in the lower slot:
    /use 14
  • Use the trinket called trinket_name wherever it is:
    /use trinket_name
    example: /use Zandalarian Hero Charm

Equip an item:

  • Equip the item called item_name as if you right-clicked it in your bag:
    /equip item_name
    example: /equip Anathema
  • Equip the item called item_name in the inventory slot N (Rings are 11 and 12, Trinkets are 13 and 14, and you probably don't care about the others):
    /equip N item_name
    example: /equip 13 Zandalarian Hero Charm

Use an item from your bags:

  • Use an item called item_name wherever it is stored:
    /use item_name
    example: /use Major Mana Potion
  • Use a random item from the list item_name1, item_name2, item_name3 (etc...):
    /userandom item_name1,item_name2,item_name3
    example: /userandom Black War Tiger,Black War Steed
  • Use items in a sequence of items one after each other:
    See the spell cast macros (/castsequence)

Target someone:

  • Target the unit called target_name:
    /tar target_name (example: /tar Bigtank)
  • Target someone by unit identification:
    • Target yourself:
      /tar player
    • Target your focus ("focus" is a new unit identification that can be set fast and remembers an important target for you, probably a main tank, a mage that often dies, a boss or something like that. See the "Set focus" macro below):
      /tar focus
    • Target the Nth party member (you aren't the 1st, there are 4 party members in a full group):
      /tar partyN
      example: /tar party2
    • Target the Nth raid member:
      /tar raidN
      example: /tar raid8
    • Target the target of a unit which identification is unit_ID:
      /tar unit_ID
      example: /tar party1target
    • Target the pet of a unit which identification is unit_ID:
      /tar unit_IDpet
      example: /tar raid3pet or even /tar raid23pettargettargetpet. Not sure it'll help a lot though...
  • Target your last target:
  • Clear your target:

"Focus" is a new unit identification that remembers an important target for you, probably a main tank, a mage that often dies, a boss or something like that .

  • Focus can be set on any unit that has an identification (see above in the targeting macros what identifications are). To set the unit which identification is unit_ID as your focused unit, use:
    /focus unit_ID
    example: /focus (probably the one you're gonna use most)
  • Target your focused unit:
    /tar focus
  • Clear your focused unit:

Crowd Control Macros

/cast [harm] Shackle Undead
/stopmacro [noharm]
/p Shackling %t! DO NOT TOUCH!

This macro will cast Shackle Undead if the target is hostile. It will then tell the party that you're shacking the target. The stopmacro line will prevent the announcement if the target is not hostile, cutting down on unnecessary spam. However, I think you'll still get a /p message if you attempt to cast shackle undead on a non-valid target. (confirmed for 2.0.1)

macro 1: /focus
macro 2: /cast [target=focus] Shackle Undead
Focus Combo Macro allows you to set your focus and bind a spell directly to that focus. You should be able to cast the second spell without ever losing your current target. If used with a heal spell instead of shackle, this should also be very helpful for MT/Raid healing. (confirmed for 2.0.1)

alternate macro 2: /cast [target=focus,harm] Shackle Undead; [harm] Shackle Undead
/stopmacro [target=focus,noharm]
/script SendChatMessage(UnitName("focus").." is shackled! DO NOT BREAK!")

This will attempt shackle my focus if my focus is an enemy, and it will call out in /say when I do this. If my focus is set to a friendly target, it will still shackle my target but will not spam chat."

/cast [target=focus,exists,harm,nodead] Shackle Undead; [target=target,exists,harm,nodead] Shackle Undead; [target=targettarget,exists,harm,nodead] Shackle Undead
/stopmacro [target=focus,exists,harm,nodead]
/focus [target=target,exists,harm,nodead] target
/stopmacro [target=target,exists,harm,nodead]
/focus [target=targettarget,exists,harm,nodead] targettarget

This PvE macros will "shackle your focus if it exists and is a "living" enemy, otherwise it will shackle your current target or target-of-target and make it your focus for further shacklage." Very useful if you don't want to keep a separate "focus" macro on your bar for these situations. Please NOTE, however, that this is not compatible with storage in the default Blizzard UI. You will need to bind it directly to a key. If you prefer, removing the final line will reduce the macro to the appropriate size for the UI.

Healing Macros

/cast [help] Greater Heal
/stopmacro [nohelp]
/p Healing %t

This simple macro will cast Greater Heal (the highest rank you have) if the target is friendly, and alert the party about whom you're healing. It will stop the announcement if the target is not friendly. (confirmed for 2.0.1)

/cast [modifier:alt,target=player] Flash Heal; [help] Flash Heal
/p Healing %t

This macro checks to see if you have the "alt" key selected - if you do, then it casts Flash Heal on yourself. If you do not, it wil cast Flash Heal on your friendly target. It also announces to the party when you heal a target. This is the most complex one I've written without a template, so beware. :) (confirmed for 2.0.1)

/cast [help] ; [target=player]
/script local n if(UnitIsFriend("player","target")) then n=UnitName("target") else n=UnitName("player") end SendChatMessage("Healing"..n.."in 3 seconds","SAY",nil)

This will heal yourself if the target is harmful, otherwise it will heal your target - and announce whomever you're healing, including yourself. The above macro would only announce your targetted healing. (confirmed for 2.0.1)

/cast [target=none] Flash Heal
This macro - without losing your current target - loads the spell "Flash Heal" and gives you the little blue glowy glove to choose a target. You use the glove to click on someone, cast the spell - and you've never lost your main target. Say you've got your MT in spam heal mode and squishy DPSer runs up saying "Healz Pls." Well now you can throw him a quick boost without losing precious time cycling back to your MT. (broken for 2.0.1, investigating)

/cast [button:1, help] Flash Heal; [button:1, harm, target=targettarget] Flash Heal; [modifier:alt, target=player] Flash Heal; [button:2, target=party2] Flash Heal; [button:3, target=party3] Flash Heal; [button:4, target=party4] Flash Heal; [button:5, target=party5] Flash Heal
This ;ets you heal your party without losing your target. Button 1 casts Flash Heal on your target if the target is friendly, otherwise it casts on the target's target. If you hold alt while clicking, it will cast Flash Heal on the player. Button 2 will cast FHeal on party member 2, button 3 will cast Flash Heal on party member 3, button 4 on party member 4, and button 5 will cast on party member 5.

Miscellaneous Macros

/cast Power Infusion
/script local n,r=UnitName"target";if(r)then n=n.."-"..r;end;SendChatMessage("Power Infused.","WHISPER",nil,n)

Cast Power Infusion and whisper the target that received it

/castsequence [target=player] Zandalarian Hero Charm, Power Infusion
Trinket slots will not be a valid term in the "/castsequence" macros - you'll have to specify the item name like the one in italics here. If I remember right, the name is case sensitive but only has to be long enough so that the term isn't ambiguous. For example, "Conjured" could call conjured water or conjured cinnamon roll. You would have to write out to "Conjured Cinn" to get the term non-ambiguous.

Remember, you'll have to press the button twice (with no failure) to get the Power Infusion spell cast. (funtionality being added in 2.0.2)

/use Zandalarian Hero Charm
/cast [target=player] Power Infusion
/cast [target=player] Inner Focus

This use the Hero Charm if it's not on cooldown, then cast Power Infusion, then cast Inner Focus - all with one click. It differs from the above macro in that there's no cooldown check. If the Hero Charm is on cooldown, you'll just receive an error message but the rest of the spells will execute.

/cast [target=mouseover] Dispel Magic
This will cast dispel magic on whatever target your mouse is presently hovering over. So if you bind it to a mouse button and hit that button while hovering over a character, you'll cast dispel on that character. Anyone else thinking "Shazzrah!"?

/cast [modifier:alt] Prayer of Shadow Protection; Shadow Protection
/cast [modifier:alt] Greater Heal(Rank 1); Greater Heal
/cast [modifier:alt] Holy Nova(Rank 1); Holy Nova

Now your low ranked or single-cast spell can be the same button as your high ranked. All you'll have to do is hold the alt key to toggle between them.

Miscellaneous Macros, continued

/cast [raid] Power Word: Shield; [target=targettarget, raid] Power Word: Shield; [target=player] Power Word: Shield
Pretty simple macro to cast shield on your target if he's in your group and friendly or if your target's target is friendly and in group, or else shield yourself." Thanks, Harmegido!

Combat Macros

/castsequence reset=combat/target Mind Blast, Shadow Word: Pain
This macro uses the new "cast sequence" ability - yay more bar space! When you first click it, it should cast Mind Blast - when you click the button again, it will cast Shadow Word: Pain. The sequence will reset to Mind Blast if the player drops out of combat, or chooses a different target. (confirmed for 2.0)

(I'd love to figure out how to pop a PW:S in there after the Mind Blast, but I don't know if you can change targets mid-sequence. Come to think of it... it might just work on its own if you enable the "self-cast" feature in your Advanced Interface Options.)

/cast [nochanneling:Mind Flay] Mind Flay
Should cast Mind Flay only if you are not currently already channeling Mind Flay. For those "duh" moments.

/castsequence reset=170 Inner Focus, Devouring Plague
This macro will, on the first button press, cast Inner Focus. On the second press, it will cast Devouring Plague. The sequence resets after Devouring Plague, or if enough time passes between button presses (170).

/cast [combat] Pain Suppression; [nocombat] Resurrection
This will check combat status - if the player is in combat then the macro casts Pain Suppression. If not, the macro casts Resurrection. The new macro language treats the semi-colon " ; " as an "or" statement, allowing you to have multiple actions in your macro that depend upon the conditions.

/castsequence [stance:1] Shadowform, Flash Heal, Shadowform
For our shadow friends, this macro will drop shadowform on the first click, cast Flash Heal on the second click, and revert you to shadowform on the third click. If you are not in shadowform, it won't do anything.

/cast [harm] Smite; [target=targettarget, harm] Smite
You can use this to cast smite on enemies as normal, or if you trigger SoL while healing, you can quickly throw in the smite against the target of whomever you are healing." Thanks Llenyd!

/castsequence reset=180 Pain Suppression, Inner Focus, Flash Heal, Renew, Power Word: Shield
The reset reflects the Pain Suppression and Inner Focus cooldowns, so if you don't finish the sequence it should be ready to start from the beginning once the cooldowns are up.

# show Shadowform
/changeactionbar [stance:1] 1 ; 2
/cast Shadowform

This macro, when you're changing to shadowform, should switch to action bar 2. If you're already in shadowform, it will switch to action bar 1. And if you have the correct bar up it shouldn't do anything. (a little buggy, investigating)

/cast Berserking
/cast Power Infusion
/cast Inner Focus
/cast Smite

Troll Berserking / Power Infusion / Inner Focus -- Smite macro does just what it says. :) If any of the first spells are on cooldown it should give you an error message, but continue on through the other spells. You can also turn this into a healing macro if you change the final spell.

Shadow of Protection - Party
This will cycle through yourself/group and buff the next person that needs Shadow Protection.
Macros will no longer be able to tell you if the buff is present or not; therefore, you might as well just Cntrol+Tab through everyone and buff. If you're impatient :) I think the new macro would look like this:
/cast Shadow Protection

Keep spamming that and it should (!) cycle through your party casting the buff.

Check & Chain Cast Buffs
This will cast each buff listed, (Fortitude, Divine Spirit, Shadow Protection), one per key press, after checking for the buff to be present on the target or (player).
The new macro system will not check to see if the target has the buff or not, but you can still do the cast sequence. That would look like:
/castsequence [nocombat] reset=combat/target Power Word: Fortitude, Divine Spirit, Shadow Protection
There's a check in there to make sure you're not in combat (you'll want to save your mana in that case) and the sequence resets if your combat state or target changes.

Holy PvP: Shield / InnerFire / Renew
This combines the important defenses into one button and casts any that aren't present. The only caveat is if the shield goes down before the weakened soul is over, this may stall and give an error, but will continue to cast the other missing buffs.
This same macro can be written but with a different result. Now, if weakened soul is present and you get an error message, the casting sequence will stall until PW:S is succssfully cast. It would look like this:
/castsequence reset=combat Power Word: Shield, Inner Fire, Renew (confirmed for 2.0.1)
The sequence resets if your combat state changes. I don't think there's a way to continue the sequence if the first spell fails. I thought something involving three different /cast functions in the macro might work, but PW:S activates the global cooldown and they're not creating any kind of "delay" function in the new macro system that I know of.

Self Target Cast
This is the basic self target macro, selects yourself and shields you without losing your target. Can be used with any other spell. Depending on your play style, remove or change the last part to: ClearTarget() or TargetLastEnemy()
TargetLastEnemy no longer functions, but you don't need it anyway.
/cast [target=player] Power Word: Shield
You shouldn't lose your target with that macro.

Instant Shield
This is the shield macro to use in an emergency. If you are in the middle of a spell with a long cast time and are under attack and need to shield someone or yourself, this will cancel the current spell, then hit the button again to cast the shield. Hopefully you'll be saved and can continue to cast the needed spells. (Must be part of your party)
/cast [help] Power Word: Shield; [target=targettarget] Power Word: Shield

This will stop the current spell and cast PW:S on your target if it is friendly, or (if that fails) it will cast PW:S on your target's target.

This is an instant shield for only yourself without losing your current target.
/cast [target=player] Power Word: Shield

Best Shield
Cast the appropriate rank of Shield on the player selected based upon level, and targets your last target.
Automated in 2.0

Shield or Renew
This casts PW:S on yourself if you don't have PW:S and you don't have Weakened Soul, otherwise it casts Renew.
Macros can no longer check the buff states of players or party members.

Basic Inner Fire
This is the basic self target macro, selects yourself and casts highest rank of Inner Fire without losing your target.
Inner Fire, because you can only cast it on yourself, won't change your target if you just click on the spell. You should be able to Fire yourself up without any trouble. But if you wanted to do it the hard way...
/cast [target=player] Inner Fire

Inner Fire & Attack
Prior to patch 1.10 there used to be a handy addon called AutoInnerFire that checked if Inner Fire was up and cast it every time you moved if it wasnt. Those days are gone so youre going to need to cast it yourself. Realistically, the only time you need your AC maxed out is during melee, so you should link Inner Fire to a melee hotkey. You can pick your stave/mace attack or wand shoot, but since its a PITA to cast spells while you are wanding, I'd recommend the stave/mace attack hotkey. Every time you enter melee, hit your attack hotkey and you'll automatically cast Inner Fire.

This will cast Inner Fire if it isn't up and will have attack always on, unless you use the alt key, in which case it will toggle the attack. This could replace the attack button, but will not show the attack key hightlight.

Since macros can no longer check to see if the Inner Fire spell is on, this might be most useful as a modifier-based macro. I'm going to write it so that if you press "ctrl" + attack macro, you'll cast Inner Fire and then attack. If you don't press control, it should attack as normal.
/cast [modifier:ctrl] Inner Fire

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